Why is SEO Important?
To answer the question ‘Why is SEO Important?’ let’s take it back to the basics (because the tried classics usually are the basics)–put yourself in your customers’ shoes. If you want to ‘get around the web in 60 seconds’, to your desired destination, what compass are you going to use to navigate?
A large percentage of the time when people have a question, want an answer, or need a solution to a problem, they turn to the internet. And yes, you guessed it—they turn to Google most of that time.
People want answers fast. People also want to dig through thorough information—which is why you should focus on things like bounce rate.
My point being–people want to actually have a good read; keep them on your site with not just one good read, but enough to satisfy their needs more than once over. This relates right back to the same customer-centric thinking, but applied on a grand scale to the content—and thus value!—you provide to your customer. Clueless on search engine optimization and how this all even relates? Before we jump into bounce rate, latent semantic indexing, and keyword density—let me ask you one thing: you came here because you were intrigued by the question presented in the title—Why is SEO Important? Maybe you even found this article by typing that exact question into Google. Viola!
That is exactly the point I am illustrating in this post! From around the web, I’ve collected the most informative and useful infographics that I could find covering search engine marketing topics and just Google in general. These should be more than enough information to answer your itching for knowledge. Since SEO is such a vast subject, I thought this would be a digestible way for any person looking to understand what makes having a search engine marketing plan important. Enjoy!
6 Infographics that Illustrate & Answer the Question ‘Why SEO is Important?’
[Note: Click on the images to view full-size] PPC Blog breaks down how Google works. They also have a flowchart about Google Adwords.
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