Golden Social Media Statistics | 11 Favorite Infographics

Kate Web Development, Branding & Marketing

Ready to be impressed by some magnificent Social Media statistics? To celebrate the end of a very successful year in Social Media, we’d like to present you with a list of what we found to be the most compelling, useful, and interesting infographic resources about Social Media Marketing and Social Media Statistics. If you’re not already implementing Social Media as a part of your Online Marketing strategy, these stats will persuade you to–hands-down! These beautiful graphics are full of incredibly useful information that has been gathered over the past year to help you cut a clearer path for your Social Marketing efforts. We hope you enjoy these as much as we did!

The Best Social Media Statistics | My 11 Favorite Infographics for the Year 2011

1. Flowtown did a very creative thing here. From 22 social media sites, they put together the Social Media High School Yearbook 2011. After personifying each site, they categorized the students by clubs and mock elections, and added memorable quotes.
2. Next up is KISSmetric‘s very useful B2B Marketing Guide 2011.
3. AYTM Market Research put together this wonderful infographic to show the link between Branding and Social Media after surveying 2,000 Internet users.
4. Sharing platform, AddThis, brings us Social Media Sharing Statistics for the year.
5. Gathering data from Jobvite, LinkedIn, CNN, and JobSearch, MBAonline reveals shocking statistics about job searching and Social Media.
6. Mr. Youth Marketing Firm dishes out facts about how holiday shoppers used Social Media this year.
7. Twitter user @BlinR beautifully breaks down to the formula for getting started on Twitter.
8. OnlineSchools illustrates what the Facebook obsession is all about with crazy social media statistics.
9. Brafton predicts that the forecast for Social Content is bright and sunny!
10. IdentyMe breaks down the population of Google+ with some exciting facts and figures.
11. Last but not least, check out Voltier Digital‘s infographic to see the connection between Content, Social Media, and the rise of Inbound Marketing.

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