How to Brand Your Business or Website | Brand Positioning

Kate Web Development, Branding & Marketing

How to Brand Your Business or Website?

Looking for advice on how to brand your business or website? Don’t know where to begin with Brand Positioning? Positioning is all about the place a product or service you are offering falls in the minds of your customers or your targeted audience, and in relation to what else is in its marketplace. Positioning is like looking at your country on the map, while branding is taking a magnifying glass to the map so you can get a clearer view of what exactly is happening within the city.
If you walked up to someone strolling through the mall and asked them what their favorite shoe store was, they would likely give you two things: 1) a response, and 2) a reason why. The store that they name first would possess something that marketers generally refer to as “top-of-mind awareness.”
Being perceived(perception is truth aswell) as to add value by your customers is the biggest importance in branding, and a pretty valuable position to be in. If you’re looking for a way on how to brand your business or website, your most important task is to brand yourself apart from what else is out there. With the advent of the internet, there has come to be an increasing amount of opportunity to be unique, and by proxy, it is increasingly necessary to include the internet into your branding strategy. It’s not going anywhere.
It’s very likely that the woman strolling through the mall who answered your question didn’t even need to be asked why their store was at the top of her mind, but rather, she probably happily admitted, “Sally’s Shoe Store! She has a large variety of shoes, and her employees are great at helping me make the right purchases.” Her reasons are things that she values as a customer and Sally’s Shoe Store’s brand image expresses those values better than competitors. You can’t build your brand around simply being here, on the internet, but it’s almost as if you need to ‘bring the party’ to survive.

How to Brand Your Business | Find a Position & Make A Statement

Finding a position to fill entails finding a hole within your marketplace, and the best way to accomplish this is by writing a positioning strategy statement. Learning how to brand your business is just as involved as learning how to brand your blog, so this information applies to all those new to building, branding, managing, and promoting their website. There are two groups of people who your positioning strategy is going to revolve around: 1) customers and audience, and 2) competitors. Start positioning by focusing on your strengths. Your strengths are always going to matter a whole lot more than your competitors’ weaknesses, but both are still important to a complete strategy. Here is a list of questions we’ve come up with that you should be asking yourself that will help you craft a unique brand positioning strategy statement:

  • What is the product or service or information you are offering?
  • What is the unique benefit of the product or service or information you are offering?


    • Who is your target market—initial buyers or end users or both?
    • What does your target market value?
    • How is your company going to sell and deliver the product or service?
    • Will you be marketing your product or service elsewhere online or offline?
    • If so, how is your product or service positioned in relation to search engines? Can your target market find you easily?


    • Why are you better than the competitors?
    • What is your unique selling position against your competitors? How will you do it?
    • How is your pricing different than your competitors?
    • How are your competitors positioned online in search engines? In the social sphere?

So, you know how to brand your business with positioning, but if you’re stuck in the mud with brainstorming the right position and still need help in finding a hole to fill in your market. Be sure you’ve went over these “holes” and filled in every nook and cranny you can: 1)   Greatest Quality 2)   Most Inexpensive 3)   Most Prestigious 4)   Leader in Innovation and Design 5)   Leader in Performance (Convenience, Reliability, Durability, Safest) 6)   Fast Delivery 7)   Search Engine Authority 8)   Viral Social Presence

How to Brand Your Business | Now Put It To Use

Once you have taken these questions and written out a positioning strategy statement that tackles and answers each of these, your marketing strategy will have a very clear focus. Positioning strategies are going to give your marketing strategy its direction. It should come into play in all facets of your marketing plan. Communication is key in successful marketing, and you must—I repeat, must!—properly communicate your positioning strategy to your company internally and to your customers. It is vital to reinforce what your positioning strategy statement is to your staff. Re-position your strategy when necessary, and always stick with one strategy per product or service.

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