How and Why to Use Keywords in SEO

Kate Web Development, Branding & Marketing

Many people wonder why to use keywords in their SEO plan, campaign, strategy, ETC. This is nearly a self answering questions because of how instrumental keywords are to SEO. In addition to being instrumental in SEO and general marketing, signage purposes, they inform their audiences what your product is – also known as copywriting. However, it is a good thing when the thing that you want to write about is doing well on the SEO matching charts, so to speak. Doing well is subjective though, as we’ll find out here in our analysis of how to use keywords in SEO.

When picking keywords for SEO you must keep in mind any sort of facet of your business. Whatever makes you unique. Maybe your specialty as a phone repairman is Android, so you’d want to look into the Android/Samsung sub-niche/market more. You want to use keywords for SEO like that. This includes any and every sub-niche you can think of because you want to be able to take advantage of as much traffic as possible with the keywords that you have selected. When you select keywords for SEO you want keywords that are not only relevant to your niche but are realistic within your budget and marketing means to rank for Google or Bing. When writing for you blog say you want to use keywords that are related to these specific sub-niches.

Factors of determining whether you should go after a niche in SEO is the difficulty combined with the profitability, by your budget, all determined by each other. For instance, if a niche is too expensive, and doesn’t get enough traffic there’s no reason to try to rank for it. For another example, if an inch is very easy to write for with SEO, but it gives no traffic, what is the reason to write for it? None, which is exactly the point. Unless you play the spending game to get ridiculous backlinks set up for you. Media buys on the most authoritative websites, ETC, it has to be set up perfectly at a master level. And then still nothing is guaranteed in SEO.

So this leaves us at an impasse say in which we must find the most profitable in ages, that are the cheapest to rank. Again, everyone would love to rank for something like buy gold. You could sell leads to any jeweler around the world. But, it will cost you millions and millions of dollars to maybe get on the first page for that keyword. As stated above, and that’s just not a viable business model in any sense, so better to make it one.

So, for this reason, it’s extremely important to do your KW research. To do keyword research there are multiple options, of course. Google is the Evergreen standard for KW research, very keywords it gives very accurate data they can help you ascertain the value of a market as you can see the exact values that people are paying for traffic. There are also alternatives such as Neil Patel’s tool for SEO. Which is a great alternative for doing quick researching to go. If you are extremely serious about your research, you may want to look into SEO Moz as they definitely provide the most logistics about keywords.

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